Sunday, March 30, 2008
Hopefully the trip to the beauty salon will go as well tomorrow. And Mom will get her slipper back. It's amazing to me how something will stick in her craw and just continue to repeat like a needle stuck on a vinyl record. I guess that things that are important to her are what keep surfacing in her short-circuited mind. Alzheimer's sucks.
The new St. Anthony Bridge, which is the replacement for the 35W bridge that collapsed last summer, is progressing nicely. MNDot has a great website which shows renderings of the new bridge as well as information, as it becomes available, about the old bridge. I have been reading a magazine article about the collapse in Minnesota Monthly that is quite gripping. Click on the link if you'd like to read it. It's amazing to me that so many survived this tragedy. Many are still trying to get their lives back on track. The photo above was taken a mere few hours after the collapse according to the caption. Amazing
Saturday, March 29, 2008
I visited the memory care facility. The room is quite nice but because it's private it's also quite pricey. More than we've budgeted. I will let them know our decision on Monday. These are the times when I miss my mom and dad the most; they would know what to do. I can't even let Mom know about this because she will be so upset. I hate this disease.
I found this picture of the Aurora Borealis on the Duluth newspaper's website. I thought it was lovely.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Today the physical therapist visited and brought along the orthotist. They put a lift in Mom's shoe and the PT said that it evened out Mom's alignment and Mom said that she felt less pain. The orthotist took Mom's shoe, I guess that's where they are going to put the lift. I took a good look at Mom today when she was walking and it does appear that one pants leg is shorter than the other. Interesting. If she can have less pain then I will be thrilled. Please let this help her.
Betsy posted information on her blog about an upcoming program on PBS about caring for parents. It looks interesting. Thanks for the tip Betsy!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Vacancy Dilemma
Mom and I have been watching Dancing With The Stars. Mom loves any program with dancing, singing or comedy. She likes to comment on the men; and she tells me that she didn't know men 'did that' (danced). And then she comments on the fact that her husband never liked dancing. For those who didn't know my dad, he was a man's man through and through. And very opinionated. But he loved his kids and his family. I miss him.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Here are some new links to helpful sites for caregivers:
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Additional Accumulations
Mom continues to ask me when her hair appointment is and I continue to tell her that it's a week from Monday. I found this interesting string on how to handle the endless questions. She called her friend Edna today and thanked her for the card she had sent. I'm not completely sure that Mom remembers Edna, but that's OK. Edna always sends Mom cards which is so nice and thoughtful.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Over It
Mom has asked me at least a dozen times so far when her hair appointment is. When I remind her that it's not for 10 days she accepts that only to ask again. She looks out the window and sees all of the snow and decides (wisely) that she's not going to go out. The plows have been through and the snow is completely melted on the streets and sidewalks. It won't be around for long.
I received my strawberry planters today! The strawberries will arrive sometime in May and then we can plant them. It will be fun. I hope I can avoid getting the cut worms that I usually have to contend with.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Family Photos
Mom had a good day today. She had her hair shampood. I on the other hand am tired of politics at work. I need to become more teflon-like and just let this crap roll off my back. It's just work, as my project manager says.
There's a snowstorm on the way. ICK.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
March 19 - A Pisces
Tomorrow is also my sister's birthday. Happy Birthday Allyson! I love you.
We woke up to snow this morning. It was the heavy, wet kind; the kind they call heart attack snow (since many end up in the hospital with heart attacks while shoveling this snow). Luckily most of it has melted. It was beautiful this morning, stuck to the trees and glistening in the moonlight. But I'm over winter.
Mom had a good day. She spent the day with 2 of her favorite caregivers, Elizabeth and Nicole. She was being helped out of the bathroom by Nicole when I arrived home. She was telling me how much she likes Nicole. That makes me happy. I worry a lot less about Mom when she is with her caregivers. Tomorrow LaShay will be here most of the day. I hope things go well for both of them. The physical therapist is going to bring an orthotist on one of her visits and they will fit Mom for a lift for her shoe. I hope that this helps Mom feel less pain when she walks. Right now Mom and Olivia are cuddling together. Olivia likes to lie on Mom's chest and purr while Mom pets her. It's such a calming thing. Life is good.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The sun is shining today and it's beautiful out. I am definitely ready for spring. I think that Mom is too. She needs a haircut so I'm going to make an appointment at the salon for her. It's hard for her to get there but we will give it a try. That's one thing about an ALF, they have all that stuff right on site. But then I don't want her to be trapped in the ALF for months either.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Every person diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder deserves the following rights:
- To be informed of one's diagnosis
- To have appropriate, ongoing medical care
- To be productive in work and play for as long as possible
- To be treated like an adult, not like a child
- To have expressed feelings taken seriously
- To be free from psychotropic medications, if possible
- To live in a safe, structured, and predictable environment
- To enjoy meaningful activities that fill each day
- To be outdoors on a regular basis
- To have physical contact, including hugging, caressing, and hand-holding
- To be with individuals who know one's life story, including cultural and religious traditions
- To be cared for by individuals who are well trained in dementia care
A key point to being a Best Friend is that the caregiver becomes a memory aid to the person -- friends know each others' histories. Being reminded of past accomplishments, family connections, personal beliefs and traditions helps tremendously. It gets them involved in their own lives again.
Friends do many things: they share history, they do things together, they communicate, they build self-esteem, they laugh often, they work at the relationship, and they are equals. These carry over as key concepts in the Best Friends model. Bell and Troxel go into some detail about how to handle situations for the full-time caregiver, the volunteer, and for those who visit persons with Alzheimer's in care. Specific situations and general principles are presented in a clear, intelligible manner with great application potential.
Meanwhile back at the ranch...I found that Mom had used chewing gum to stick a picture onto her desk. I had to laugh as I know what her reaction would have been had one of us kids done that. I was patient and didn't raise my voice, I laughed about it in fact. Then I spent some time trying to get the gum unstuck from the desk. Mom helped and felt remorseful even though I told her it was no big deal.
Tomorrow I hope to motivate Mom to leave the house. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Wednesday - Hump Day!
Tonight at dinner Mom was very upset; calling herself stupid and asking me what is wrong with her, why can't she remember things? I never know what to say to this so I usually say that she just has a problem with her memory. I purchased a book called The Best Friend's Approach to Alzheimer's Care. It says that a person has the right to know that they have Alzheimer's, even if you don't explain it as Alzheimer's, instead you might say 'memory loss' or 'forgetfulness'. I've heard different ideas on this; some say to tell the person, some say don't. Anyway, the book looks interesting, I can't wait to read it.
We have had spring-like weather these last few days. Today it was sprinkling rain. And our snow is melting. No sign of daffodils except the ones being sold for the American Cancer Society's Daffodil Days. We won't see daffodils in Minnesota until May.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Roots and DST
Daylight Savings Time has given us dark mornings but on the flip side it was light until nearly 7:30 PM. That's a plus. It keeps Mom from wanting to go to bed right away after dinner and it gives us a little time together.
I found this article on Science Daily about Alzheimer's caregivers. It states that grief is the greatest burden for us. Basically, as we already know, we are grieving the loss of our loved ones on a daily basis as they slip further away from us. So true.
I have located several more distant relatives in my genealogy research. This is alway interesting to me. I dug out some old family photos including one of my great-great grandfather in his Civil War uniform (he fought for the Union). Thought you might all enjoy seeing it. This is John Van Kirk Seeley. I've traced the Seeleys all the back to England in the 1600s. They settled in Connecticut and then moved westward to New York, Ohio and finally Michigan. They were farmers. I love looking at census records and seeing who were their neighbors. My grandparent's generation is all gone so much of this information is lost. Luckily my cousin, dad and uncle gathered an awful lot of information and started to save it. My mom's side of the family is much harder to research because they emigrated from Germany in the late 1800s. I'm just now starting to dig back into German records, which unfortunately are scant and scattered due to the fact that Germany didn't unify until the 1900s. This gives me something to do though so I enjoy it.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Cabin Fever and the Alzheimer's Conference
I finally got the recommendations from the lawyer. I need to call her to find out where to get original POAs. She said to have several on hand just in case. This is really complicated stuff, at least for me. She also said that I need to keep good records of any money that is spent. I track everything in Quicken; I need to ask if that is good enough. I've never been a very organized person. I take after my Dad. Mom was always the organized one.
Yesterday I talked to a women who runs several group home-type facilities in the Twin Cities for persons with Alzheimer's/dementia. She had some good ideas for me for activities for Mom, besides the ones I already have in the Joy Kit. She said she was amazed at all of the things that I have already done for Mom. I am intrigued by this concept of a group home for ALZ patients and intend to learn more about it. The homes pictured on their website look pretty fancy and the activities sound stimulating.
We talked to my sister and my nephew today. Mom always seems to remember Matt. She seems to always remember my sister and brother too. It was nice to talk to Matt. He's a good kid and we've always shared a close bond.
What have I done for myself lately? Nothing. I really need to do something in that area. I've been encouraged to attend the Meeting of the Minds Alzheimer's conference (I can't seem to get away from ALZ can I?). I've been trying to work on scrapbooks too. Mom never lets me get too far away from her though and she doesn't seem to be interested in helping me. I also bought some wooden block-type puzzles that she enjoys working. They are for 4 years old and up. I'd like to find some puzzles that are a little more complicated. All in all, things are the same for us, the rollercoaster appears to be on the straightaway....for now.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Mental Health Parity is a Must
Caregiving blah blah blah
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Caregiver Dilemma
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The kitties have been hanging out together much more lately. Yesterday when I called home Terri told me that they were both in Mom's room; one was on the bed and one was by the window. This is amazing considering that Lily spent the first 18 months after we adopted Olivia in my bedroom. Olivia is trying to be a friend but Lily is still a little hesitant. They play together though. The other day I saw Lily chasing Olivia across the house at a playful gallop.
Nine Years and Counting
Mom has been gone for a little over nine years. This blog was a huge mechanism for helping me cope with her illness and daily downfall. I...
Mom passed away peacefully sometime before 1:18 AM today. My sister and I were with her from 9 AM until a little after midnight. Her breathi...
When did Christians become more interested in growing their personal wealth over serving mankind, making life better for all of us? There is...