Sunday, November 30, 2008
There was about a quarter of an inch of snow on the ground this morning when I awoke. The sound of the snowplow and shovelers foreshadowed this. It's rather cold too. I suppose it's time.
On Friday night I watched the movie "Baby Mama". It was a nice diversion for me as I found it quite funny. It took my mind off of Mom for a while.
Tomorrow it's back to the grindstone at work. I've enjoyed my time off by reading, knitting, watching movies and straightening up around the house. I've finished my mittens Annie! And they look great. I'll take a picture as soon as I'm done blocking them. I've also spent some quality time with Mom.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Traditionally today is the day most people decorate for Christmas. I'm not very motivated at all to do so. I hung my wreath on the front door. I even ventured out of the house to Target today, Black Friday! to pick up a prescription. Target was not very busy; I'm hoping the bulk of the shoppers were there earlier in the day.
I've included a picture of Mom from yesterday. She is relaxing in her wheelchair before lunch. She really was in good spirits yesterday and that gives me something to be thankful for.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I will be spending Thanksgiving with Mom and later with good friends.I am so thankful for good friends and family.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'm Wearing Purple Before I'm Old
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Party at CB
On Thursday CB had their 10th anniversary party. There was still quite a crowd when I got there around 5PM. The entertainment included a woman (whose mother lives at CB) who has sung on Broadway, and one of Mom's caregivers, Fartun, who it turns out is a pop star in Somalia. I've attached her video from You Tube. Mom was sleeping when I arrived. She ate some of her dinner and participated in some of the activities according to the staff. She seemed to be well and looked good.
I finished one of my mittens. For a first time mitten knitter, it looks pretty good. I've started on the second one and am halfway through the cuff.
I woke up to a light dusting of snow this morning but it's actually warmer today then it was yesterday morning.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Like Wrestling with a Porcupine*
I went to see Mom today. She was napping while waiting for lunch. She perked up when she saw me. She also ate some of her lunch and all of her protein shake. After lunch we visited for a while and watched baby Roman visit with his great-grandmothers. Both of them are residents at CB. Mom was very concerned about how Roman's aunt was holding him, she got very upset. Luckily Roman's mom noticed Mom's distress and came to the rescue. Mom has always been very protective of children and babies. That's what made her a great mother and grandmother.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Mom and Olivia
Here Comes Some Sun
The aforementioned mittens are looking good. I just finished knitting to the thumb. The next part might be tricky so I plan to remain close to my Obi-wan, Jae my neighbor. My other neighbor Kathy calls her Obi-wan so I thought I would do the same since she knows so much about knitting.
For a warm/fuzzy feeling check out "Puppy Cam" here.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Common Anesthetic Induces Alzheimer's-associated Changes In Mouse Brains
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Weather Report
It started sleeting around 3PM and has been doing so since.
I'm trying to knit some mittens with some lovely yarn from Annie. I've never knitted with double pointed needles so I'm struggling with this. I would like to use a circular needle, that would make life easier.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Don't Give Up Hope Ever
This is Lily(front) and Olivia on Mom's bed.
This happened sometime last summer. It took Lily 18 months to come out of my room after we adopted Olivia. Lily was my cat, I'd had her for several years when we decided to adopt Olivia. Olivia bonded with Mom and would sit on her lap and sleep with Mom at night. She did a wonderful job at keeping Mom company. She would check on Mom periodically throughout the day to make sure she was OK. When Mom would cry Olivia would kiss her. I'm going to try to take Olivia to visit Mom, once I get her claws (Olivia's not Mom's) trimmed. I think she is really missing Mom.
Much Better
Our weather has taken a cold turn. It's in the 30s today and windy. Earlier this week it was sunny and in the 70s. Midwestern weather can turn on a dime. That's what makes it exciting to live here :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
Cross Your Fingers
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Raisin' Heck!
I'm soliciting ideas for things I can take for the caregivers to thank them. Candy? Some have expressed their love for chocolate. Maybe a nice box of chocolates? Any other ideas? Many of the caregivers are Somali and I'm not sure if there is something that they might really like.
President-Elect Barack Obama in Chicago
John McCain, what a gracious man you are!
Congratulations President Obama. Godspeed.
These two men are true Americans and I'm proud of them both.
It's the End of The World As We Know it And I Feel Fine
The clergy from hospice called to say he was stopping over to see Mom today. I'm still too numb for anything to sink in.
God bless you all.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
I am meeting with a hospice tomorrow. They are going to evaluate Mom to see if she is a candidate for their program. I don't know what to think about this. I don't think she is 'near the end of life'. I do want her to have the best care possible. So I don't know what to think.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Nine Years and Counting
Mom has been gone for a little over nine years. This blog was a huge mechanism for helping me cope with her illness and daily downfall. I...
Mom passed away peacefully sometime before 1:18 AM today. My sister and I were with her from 9 AM until a little after midnight. Her breathi...
When did Christians become more interested in growing their personal wealth over serving mankind, making life better for all of us? There is...