Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Beatles!

I am too young to remember the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan show. In fact I am too young to remember much about the Beatles prior to their breakup in 1972. Yet they have been a part of my life; their music is so familiar yet their song catalog is huge and every so often I hear a song of theirs that I had never heard before. Today their remastered song catalog was released and I'm hoping that soon their songs will be available on iTunes.

This weekend I scanned some grade school class pictures and posted them on my Facebook page. My friends and I have had a fun discussion about our times together, sharing memories and thinking back to those wonder years. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. We are having a lot of fun catching up.

The days are really short now. I wake up to darkness and it's not too long before twilight descends in the evening. Summer is fleeting.

1 comment:

Lily said...

Such cuties! I bet all the girls fancied the boy with the beatle haircut.

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