Thursday, April 6, 2006

Anyone heard of English as a second language classes?

I totally support this idea! If these people are so brilliant then they should have no trouble taking and completing an ESL class. They may be the most brilliant professors around but how can they teach if their students cannot understand them? In my opinion, it is a failure on the part of higher education if the professors cannot teach coherently and students cannot understand them. With the price of higher education skyrocketing it is especially important that the people who teach do so in a coherent way so that students and parents get their money's worth.

Minnesota professors should speak English, lawmakers say

Associated Press
A House proposal to get tough on Minnesota college professors whom students find difficult to understand got a little easier Wednesday.

A measure brought forward would give such professors a year to improve their speaking skills.

Rep. Bud Heidgerken earlier proposed requiring that professors at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system speak coherent English.

Faculty groups and college administrators said the most talented candidates for math and science professorships often have foreign backgrounds and, at times, limited English skills.

But backers of the proposal said students and their parents have a right to expect they will understand their professors.

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